Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 12 )

What is the 1st thing that comes to mind when you think of Self-Care/Self Love?

This is an important part of your dance & embodiment practices.

We all know how good we feel after a good dance session, a long hike, or a ritual bath. This is an invitation to make dates with yourself.


As we explore deeper into the mystical and ancient teachings of how to regulate your hormones and balance your nervous system it all starts in how we think and perceive our lives.

The art of doing nothing is essential for your receptive nature.

Even if it’s just 10 mins of simple stillness….

Sit in silence or put on your favorite mellow music and just watch your thoughts over a cup of tea or one of my favorites Rose Golden Milk.


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 13 )


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 11 )