Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 11 )

Today we finish our journey through the chakra system.

It’s an important part of how we percieve these energy centers that are a part of us emotionally, physically, and spiritually each and every day.

Creating a relationship with these ancient teachings is another tool and road map to listening to the natural intelligence of your body’s wisdom.

Seventh Chakra
The Sahasrara chakra or the “thousand petal lotus” chakra is located at the crown of the head.

This is the chakra of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others, and ultimately, to the divine. It is located at the crown of the head.


The seventh chakra, Sahaswara, is referred to as the thousand-petal lotus chakra. This is the top chakra of the seven and located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to all that is. It is a connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately the divine energy that creates everything in the universe.

True opening of Sahaswara means the realization that you are pure awareness. You are pure consciousness, undivided, and all expansive. Like a drop in the ocean, you are a part of that ocean that contains and encompasses every aspect of it.

Emerging From the Murky Waters

The lotus flower is a symbol in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is nurtured, grows, and emerges in muddy waters. It blooms where there is no clarity. The beauty of the lotus is unique to its environment, which appears monotonous and lacks vibrancy.

When you reach the unfurling of the seventh chakra, you emerge through the confines of the physical body, the ego, mind, and intellect. You even push beyond the individual soul that ties you to Samsara, the endless cycle of birth and rebirth. You are freed from the shackles of desire. White light surrounds your body and you appear to stand out in your murky surroundings.


The color for the crown chakra is violet or white and the mantra sound is the universal sound of OM.

Take a moment to go through the journal prompt closing your eyes and feeling into where you are connected and where you may feel blocked.

The more awareness you bring you may notice heighten sensation or quick shifts.


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 12 )


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 10 )