Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 35 )


Let us explore one of the most potent magical elixir in our bodies?

Our Ovarian Power!

In Chinese Medicine the ‘energetic’ Kidneys govern the sexual organs, so Kidney Qi is inextricably linked to our Ovarian Qi.

In a recent seminar by Mantak Chia, he shared that 50% of the energy we’re born with (our Original Qi) is ‘sexual’ energy, in that 25% is ‘reproductive’ energy in our ovaries (or testicles) and 25% is back up reproductive energy, ie Kidney energy (that’s how vital this energy is in the body - half of our total potential stored here). We can squander our Kidney energy unknowingly by simply overdoing it, either physically or mentally, by getting stuck in fear or anxiety, by consuming adrenal-draining substances such as coffee, pharmaceutical, or recreational drugs.

Creating babies also takes up a great deal of this Qi and so too, albeit less so, we lose it in our menstrual blood.

The Taoist theory goes that the most potent proportion of this Original Qi sits in our ovaries - this makes perfect sense if you think that each egg (and there are a whopping 350 produced on average in a woman’s lifetime) contains enough yang energy to create a whole new human life. Most of this energy is unused and therefore wasted every time the egg is not fertilized and flows out with our menstrual blood.

The Taoists developed a practice called Ovarian Breathing to harness this powerful energy and re-route it in order to build up and enhance our physical energy levels, well-being, and creativity.


Prepare a sacred space and time when you have no distractions to tune into your body and explore your own sensuality and feminine power.

This meditation should be given ample time at least a half-hour and is great to perform after a ritual bath.

Ovarian Breathing meditation

As you start practicing Ovarian Breathing, it is highly beneficial to explore regularly practicing the foundation practices of the Healing Tao system, e.g Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds and Micro Cosmic Orbit, and the basic qigong movements. This will ensure that your emotional, mental and physical energy bodies are as clear and flowing as possible, as working with sexual energy amplifies existing emotions - and that your heart energy is as open as possible, as it is the ovarian qi in combination with the compassion energy of the heart that creates the most transformation.

Here is one version of this powerful practice:

  • Start by drawing up juicy energy from the earth into the perineum and combine this with your own sexual energy, drawing them up to your heart.

  • Allow this energy to blossom into your hands and breasts and massage your breasts and nipples to connect with the whole endocrine system.

  • Allow this energy to flow down to the kidneys and then to the ovaries

  • Take plenty of time to activate the ovaries by:

  • smiling into them, spiraling them with eyes, wrapping them with light energy, massaging them with fingertips, expanding them on the in-breath and relaxing them on the out-breath.

  • Next, on the in-breath, allow perineum and ovaries to expand and blossom with earth energy

  • On the out-breath, contract yoni lightly and take awareness to Ovarian Palace, (in the womb, midpoint between ovaries) allowing more and more Qi to gather here with each out-breath.

  • When you feel a warmth or a fuller feeling in the Ovarian Palace, allow the Ovarian Qi to flow down to the perineum, spiral briefly here, and then gently pump this qi up the backchannel to the brain.

  • Spiral this potent qi inside the brain to allow it to charge up all the master glands located here. Spiral counterclockwise and then clockwise, breathing normally.

  • On an out-breath, allow the Qi to flow back down the front channel and either send it around the orbit again or finish by gathering and then condensing the Qi in the navel center, breathing deeply, smiling into your recharged pearl and your newly revitalized, rejuvenated body and mind!

Yoni = the sexual organs and most specifically the vaginal canal
Ovarian Palace/ Sexual Palace = the womb
Qi = life force energy


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 36 )


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 34 )