Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 28 )

Just Dance

For 30 min……anywhere

Most of us are aware of the physical benefits of dance. It can be used as a form of exercise burning calories, toning the body. But the physical benefits go far beyond those of just burning calories. Recent studies have shown that time spent dancing benefits us more than the same amount of time spent on the treadmill or exercise bike. The reason being that dancing is fun! Dance actually increases the production of the hormone serotonin and decreases dopamine production causing us to feel good and be more emotionally balanced.

Dance strengthens bones; releases chemicals that encourage nerve growth reduces risks of dementia and helps Alzheimer’s patients recall memories.  It is also believed to reduce incidents of cancer and help in the recovery of those who have already suffered from cancer.

On the emotional level, dance helps us to feel better by releasing emotions rather than suppressing them. It is also a creative process that brings us joy. People who are intimidated by the creative nature of dance may prefer to do dances with set patterns such as ballroom dancing. Either way, participants will still benefit from dance.

As well as the physical and emotional benefits of dance, dance also aids in developing our perfect body type by reconnecting us to our bodies. This is not only due to the physical activity but also because of the balancing and energizing nature of dance.

Movement is vibration. The universe vibrates.   Through dance, we can connect to that vibration, the spiritual aspect of dance. Dance can be used as a form of spiritual practice. This type of dance is referred to as Sacred Dance. Sacred Dance is when movement or vibration is used with the intention of connecting with God or the universe around us putting us in a state of ‘one-ness’ with the Divine, the universal vibration, the Tao. 


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 29 )


Sacred Dance Day Sadhana ( Day 27 )