A Modern Mystery School Of Ancient Practices Devoted to Sacred Dance & Women's Vitality

You’re invited into this temple of alchemical wisdom offering practical applications to connect with your body’s natural intelligence, psychic powers & ecstasy of self-expression.

Explore your own desires through reclaiming the wisdom of the goddess, and honor the inner calling within the awakening wild soul of the collective feminine psyche. All Teachings are devoted to women’s empowerment through creating sacred spaces while applying ancient techniques that awaken embodiment, through the teachings of Sacred Dance, Ritual, Ayurveda, and Yoga.

Drawing Inspiration From The Feminine Divine, Devadasi, and the soul memory of The Temple Dancer Rites. Honoring the lineages that create the rooted structure of these practices of many ancestors whom have come before. The Origins of “Belly Dance” is extremely old and traces of it can be found up to 6,000 years ago, based in societies that worshipped nature & feminine divine.



R.M.A Offerings

Get started on your journey

The Modern Priestess Awakens to the Remembrance of an embodiment of the goddess as within and without. Now is the time of the great feminine rising in our collective truth. We are here to do this great work together by honoring our planet, our bodies, and the goddess of a thousand names that reside in all things.

We gather together to honor and celebrate our femininity and sensual nature through sacred dance. As women, our pelvis is the throne that houses our womb, the seat of our feminine creative power. Our wombs are powerful portals through which all life enters the world, places of infinite potential. Intentional movement gives us a vehicle to move out of our heads and into our hearts and bodies. We can then experience our authentic feelings; both our dark and light selves. This enables practitioners to attain awareness and inner stillness in motion, creating a more grounded center. These offerings are created for heart-centered souls who want to expand their understanding of healing feminine arts as a form of medicine. Awaken the codes within you of your full potential as healers, priestesses, and medicine women as we honor the lineages of these teachings.

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Healing Benefits of Belly Dance:

Awakening/Allowing permission to explore your own sensuality and femininity.

Strengthen the mind-body connection and create new pathways to sensation, awareness, and bliss.

Connect with your Moon cycles, intuition, and natural psychic powers.

Getting a good workout and feeling centered in your body.

Embody your unique dance expression in a safe and supportive environment.

Maximize cognitive function and muscle memory through practice.

Relieve stress, balance your libido and strengthen your pelvic floor.


ARADIA SUNSERI  is a Temple Fusion Belly Dance artist and founder of Ritual Movement Arts A modern mystery school of ancient practices. is devoted to Sacred Dance, Ayurveda, and Women’s Vitality Practice’s. 

Aradia’s art is rooted in somatic dance therapy modalities, ritual performance & theatrical improvisation. She is a certified Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga instructor, and dedicated student of sacred dance. She has over 18 years of experience in the movement arts and performance in theater, on film, and stage.

Since 2008 Aradia facilitates international sacred retreats, mentorship programs, workshops, and online courses in essential magick. These transformational teachings empower women to unlock their birthright of embodiment and deepen their soul connection to this planet and their unique purpose.

Honoring the traditions and lineage work of sacred dance, she weaves the meditative aspects of ceremony & cultivation of personal practice. Aradia empowers the global sisterhood in awakening into the body’s natural wisdom & ecstasy of self-expression.  Her innovative style blends Temple fusion belly dance, Nepalese, Ballet, and energy healing as a holistic spiritual practice. ( Dance Your Mythos ) Ceremonial dances of the spirit.

Aradia focuses on these integrative therapies, weaving somatic movements such as sacred dance and yoga, with herbalism and meditation. Her teachings are nurturing and holistic practices to bring balance into everyday life. As an (AHC) practitioner and women’s health specialist, she also holds degrees in Somatic therapy, yoga Nidra, womb healing, herbalism, and Tantra and is a graduate of the California College of Ayurveda.                         


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"I deeply appreciate the way Aradia has invited me into the mystery of Ritual Movement Arts, bridging together the rooted essence of ancient rituals and vitality practices with modern-day application, catalyzing the embodiment of my power and passion as a temple dancer and vessel of the Goddess through sacred movement. Aradia is devoted to her students understanding and implementing foundational choreography and skill, as well as allowing the spirit of the dance to take over. She gracefully opens the space up for women to join together in the power of sisterhood to honor and celebrate our connection with both heaven & earth, and each other. Her instruction is clear, encouraging and powerful. Being in her dynamic presence, I feel joyful, empowered, and blessed!"

~Achintya Devi ( Founder Of Goddess Rising )

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"Ritual Movement Arts are not something learned or taught but a place you are taken to. Aradia Sunseri welcomes you into a mythical journey, holding a sacred container in which women are free to explore their edges. Together as a group, we create each moment as she navigates us towards new discoveries of movement, emotion, excitement and so much more allowing women to move through blocks creating opportunities for empowered authentic self-expression. She gracefully blends the intuitive, shamanic, and technical aspects of multi-cultural dance traditions into all her offerings. The passion and dedication to her craft are undeniable and invite one to dedicate them to developing practices that work for each individual. I have first-hand experienced her unique medicine and would highly recommend studying with Aradia should the opportunity arise." ~ Luna Love ( Founder of Luna Love Leadership )

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"Aradia holds a very special talent for teaching and holding space for women to express their sensuousness without an ounce of shame. In fact, while dancing with her I discovered innocence within the provocative undulations of this craft that revealed the sheer purity of our creative potential. I strongly encourage every woman to experience these profoundly empowering workshops and retreats. If everyone could feel this freedom in our expression, we would certainly change our world one shimmy at a time and have so much fun while we're at it."  ~ Juniper Garza (Founder of Beauty Alchemy )

“I first met Aradia when she offered her gift of movement at one of the retreats I attended. I love to dance but I had no idea just how much my body missed movement in this form until that retreat. It was a no-brainer to join in on more movement opportunities with Ritual Movement Arts. Aradia has provided a space for exploration of both the physical and spiritual nature of dance. In that space, I have had the opportunity to experience a connection to my body that is healthy and happy. For me, it doesn’t get much better than that.~Tiffany Jeans Dance Instructor

As the goddess is honored through ecstatic dance, our communities grow stronger. As we dance, we consecrate our bodies and the land on which we dance, we unite.”

-Sacred Women Sacred Dance